Bixr Project Page


Team Members:

  • Charmaine Chan (leader) -
  • Derek Sawicki -
  • Lucy Jing -

Advising TA:

  • Ashley Kling

Design Document:


We created Bixr to improve the Bicker process at Princeton. The point of bicker is to help upperclassmen get to know underclassmen so that they can decide whether or not they want the underclassmen in their club. Underclassmen attend 1-2 sessions a day, for 3 days. At these sessions, they play games or have conversations with as many people as they can. This can be stressful and we thought that there should be a better way to meet people. Bixr helps students meet each other throughout the year and allows them to participate in activities they actually enjoy. Our website allows students to host and join events.

Website Layout


March 16 - 24

Goals: Initialize work environment, establish workflow, begin to familiarize ourselves with frameworks and languages we’ll be using, refine design ideas.


  • Set up github repo
  • Set up Heroku with Django and React
  • Read documentation/tutorials for Django and React
  • Create UI mockups, flow charts, comics


Week of Mar 30

Goals: Get components linked up, (tracer bullets)

  • CAS authentication
  • UI routing between home page, login, logout, and events page.
  • CRUD simple events
  • Demonstrate communication between client and database through server


Mar 31 - Apr 13 (Prototype)

Goals: Create an app that we can start using and test ourselves


  • Display events with data from database
  • Calendar view for eating club events
  • User profiles
  • Eating Club profiles and permissions


Apr 14 -  Apr 27 (Alpha testing)

Goals: Develop sufficient features to start testing with some initial users


  • Display events with data from database
  • Calendar view for eating club events
  • User profiles
  • Allow users to create their own events
  • Allow users to sign up for events


Apr 28 - May 4 (Beta Testing)

Goals: Incorporate feedback from alpha test to incorporate full features of the app


  • Review initial testing feedback
  • Decide on what needs to be changed/removed/added
  • Implement changes needed


May 5 - Week of May 9 (Demo)

Goals: Fix bugs and polish presentation of product


  • Review testing feedback and bugs found in beta
  • Implement bug fixes
  • Create demo and presentation
  • Practice demoing the app!


May 13 - (Project Submission)